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The Surprising Joy of Muddy Mental Training Outdoors in All Seasons – Yes, Even Winter!

Muddy Mental all weather training

Ah, outdoor training. The wind in your hair, the mud underfoot, the occasional faceful of cold rain – what could be better? Honestly, we’re living the dream here at Muddy Mental. It’s not just about dodging puddles or getting your weekly fix of vitamin D; it’s about embracing the elements. And yes, that includes training in the middle of an autumn downpour or braving the cold of a Belfast winter at Shaws Bridge. The best time to start going Muddy Mental is Autumn; it makes the Spring much more pleasant-ish. and summer an absolute dream... Nightmares are dreams too!

The Perks of Autumn Training (It’s More Than Just Pretty Leaves)

With its crisp air and lovely ankle-deep mud, autumn is a season of growth – or so we tell ourselves while wading through nature’s personal obstacle course. The temperature has dropped, but hey, at least the bees and wasps have buzzed off. Nothing says “I’m tough” like pushing yourself through mineral-rich mud while pondering how moist your socks have become. But guess what? You’ll be stronger for it. Plus, with the leaves falling around you, it’ll feel like a scene from a movie... just with more sweating and less heroic music, though that does depend on your choice of movie!

The Upcoming Frostbit Challenge?

Autumn training makes for brilliant conditioning for the joy of winter training, coming soon to a park near you! Winter training is where you truly earn your stripes. The freezing air bites at you, your fingers feel like icicles, and the wind? Well, the wind is just delightful. As you huddle up before the session, you’ll think, “Things can’t get any better.” And then they do! You’ll be rolling in the mud, using the natural ice bath as submersion therapy to cool down between rounds. Who needs a spa day when you have Shaws Bridge in winter?

That feeling when you finish the session. When you stand victorious at the end of the session, mud on your face, cold wind in your hair, and think, “I am Living the dream.” Yes, it sounds surreal, but you’ll think it, and sort of mean it. You’ll feel stronger, more resilient, and honestly, a little smug when you think about everyone else sitting indoors under blankets.

The Benefits of Going Muddy Mental.

Now, before you roll your eyes, let’s get serious for a moment. Training outdoors in all seasons has some pretty undeniable benefits:

  • Boosted immune system: Regular exposure to cold weather strengthens your immune system, making you less prone to colds and flu, though you will drink more tea and maybe eat a few more biscuits.

  • Mental resilience: There’s something about pushing through tough conditions that builds mental strength. If you can train under a grey sky, then you deserve the blue skies.

  • Increased calorie burn: Did you know your body burns more calories when you’re cold (and in the heat, this is northern Ireland, so we'll stick with the cold. As such, this means you’re working hard even when you’re just standing still. That said, as muddy mental, no one stands still!

Join Us – No Matter the Weather

Look, we could sugar-coat this muddy mental thing, but then we'd have to call it something else and I'd have to get a hair bun, and nobody wants that! I swear, the only thing more outrageous than your training is your language. At Muddy Mental, we make sure every session is challenging, rewarding, and – dare we say it – fun in its own muddy way. You’ll leave every session stronger, both mentally and physically, and with a story to tell.

So, embrace the mud, the rain, and the cold.

We promise it’s better than it sounds... and it definitely can’t get any better, right?



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